Saturday, July 12, 2014

The future of District 3

  1. If elected, what 3 things do you most hope to accomplish during the next 4 years?

First and foremost, I want to insure the city fulfills the commitments to the new Grissom campus.  This includes roads, drainage, community impact issues, etc.  I am very concerned about the traffic bottle neck and congestion problems that are going to develop by having the inflow and outflow of the morning traffic center around the Weatherly/Parkway overpass.  That is an immediate and critical concern of mine. 

Second, I would like to see if there is a way to buy out the ground lease that Arnov Properties has on the Haysland Square property.  There are about seven years left on the lease and this might be reclaimed and made available for development by way of a TIF for example.  No quality business is going to locate in Haysland Square knowing they only have 7 years to be in business.  Passing by those dark store fronts every morning on the way to the new Grissom location is not a good image to present for south Huntsville.

Third, I would like to see a long range plan be adopted and implemented regarding Ditto Landing.  This is a “gem” that has long been ignored that could put south Huntsville in the forefront of local, and out of city, tourist activity.  This attention to the extreme south part of the parkway could lead to some creative attention to the very old buildings along the east side of the road.  Some of those buildings were designed for about a 40 year life span and they are at 60 and counting.  An attractive “gateway” should be established on south Parkway for those entering the city from across the river.

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