Saturday, February 8, 2014

Candidacy for Huntsville City Council, District 3

I am pleased and excited to announce my candidacy for Huntsville City Council, District 3.  The next decade is going to be a defining time for south Huntsville.  Many changes and challenges are on the way, and I have a vision of how these changes should be implemented and supported by the city.

The most exciting change is the opening of the new Grissom High School in a couple of years.  I envision a modern campus housing one of the academic flagship high schools, not just in the state, but in the country.  The high academic standards of Grissom are a legacy for Tom Drake, the outgoing principle, and a challenge for June Kalange, the incoming principle.

I  can see a revitalization of residential development that will lead to upgrading of existing homes, along with the construction of new ones, similar to what is going on in the Blossomwood area.  This will attract young families to our area and will result in an appreciation of property values in south Huntsville.  I will work with existing subdivisions in an effort to come up with ideas that will increase their home values.
I also want to be a watch dog for the activities that will have a negative effect on property values.  If low income housing is to be decentralized from one area of the city and recentralized in another part of the city, nothing will be gained other than devaluation of property in new location.  Huntsville Housing Authority needs to consider the existing Section 8 housing in the area when it is looking for new locations to build or buy properties.
I have a vision of a much improved quality of life for the south Huntsville area.  Green ways should be encouraged, enhanced and expanded.  Cooperation of the city and county governments has resulted in the new park on Chaney Thompson Road.  Commissioner Reddick is to be commended for his efforts and I look forward to working with him on this and other projects in the future.
In addition, I have a vision of the old Grissom High School campus being turning into a “go to” destination for library patrons.  This new ground up library will be a magnet for social and meeting activities.  The quality of life in the area will be enhanced when the sports facilities are turned over to the Parks and Recreation Department.  This new satellite municipal facility will serve the south Huntsville region very well.
My vision for south Huntsville also includes robust commercial and retail development.  Perhaps with some city help or incentives, Haysland Square could attract what I will call a “destination development” with high end entertainment, restaurants, shopping and other types of attractions.  Proper planning can result in another positive effect on property values.
What makes me qualified to run for City Council?  I am currently the Managing Broker for Rise Real Estate and a Certified Real Estate Instructor.  I know what makes property values appreciate, and more importantly, I know what makes them depreciate.
I have a very long history of civic involvement with the city.  Most recently however, I was a founder and president of the Southeast Huntsville Civic Assn. in 2004, a past board member of the South Huntsville Civic Assn. and currently serve as vice president of Huntsville South and a member of the city school system Capital Advisory Committee.  Dr. Wardynski has done an outstanding  job, and I have promised him I will be a friend of education while on the council.
The race for District 3 will be spirited and I am ready to have the conversation about what issues are important to south Huntsville and who is best qualified to serve as your next City Council representative.  I am looking forward to serving as the advocate for south Huntsville on the City Council.

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